Periodicals are publications that are issued at regular intervals, such as daily, weekly, or monthly. Examples of periodicals include newspapers, magazines, and journals. They are a source of information, entertainment, and education and can cover a wide range of topics, such as
news, politics, sports, science, and culture. Periodicals are often classified into two categories: scholarly (such as academic journals) and popular (such as news magazines and consumer publications).
Library Science journals are scholarly journals that focus on the study and practice of library and information science. They publish articles, research papers, and reviews on a wide range of topics related to library science, such as information organization, cataloging, classification, reference, and bibliometrics, digital libraries, library management, and user services. They also cover advances in technology and their impact on libraries and information centers, as well as new trends and developments in the field. These journals are aimed at librarians, library science professionals, and researchers in the field of library and information science.
Print ISSN: 2330-1635
Online ISSN: 2330-1643
Impact Factor: 2.8
The Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) is a leading international forum for peer-reviewed research in information science. For more than half a century, JASIST has provided intellectual leadership by publishing original research that focuses on the production, discovery, recording, storage, representation, retrieval, presentation, manipulation, dissemination, use, and evaluation of information and on the tools and techniques associated with these processes.
Library & Information Science Research (LISR)
Print ISSN: 2330-1635
Online ISSN: 2330-1643
Impact Factor: 2.8
Library & Information Science Research, a cross-disciplinary and refereed journal, focuses on the research process in library and information science, especially demonstrations of innovative methods and theoretical frameworks or unusual extensions or applications of well-known methods and tools. Library & Information Science Research publishes research articles primarily from a social science perspective.
Journal of Documentation (JDoc)
ISSN: 0022-0418
eISSN: 0022-0418
- Impact Factor: Around 1.63
- Publisher: Emerald
The journal publishes research papers with novel methods or
results of wide significance, in all the information-related disciplines.
Critical and scholarly reviews are welcome, as are reviews of the evidence base
for professional practice, and shorter speculative articles.
We particularly welcome submissions exploring topics where
concepts and models in the library and information sciences overlap with those
in cognate disciplines: these disciplines include, but are not limited to,
psychology and cognitive science, the physical sciences, communication and
media studies, museum studies, computer science, sociology and publishing.
- Impact Factor: Approximately 4.42
- Publisher: Elsevier
This journal is ranked by The Chartered Association of Business Schools’ Academic Journal Guide, Australian Business Deans Council, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China Computer Federation (CCF), BFI (Denmark), Computing Research & Education (CORE) Journal Ranking, The Publication Forum (Finland), Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Scopus, and SCImago Journal Rank (SJR).
Frequency: 4 issues/year
ISSN: 0024-2519
E-ISSN: 1549-652X
2023 CiteScore*: 3.0
Ranked #79 out of 280 “Library and Information Sciences” journals
been published from the PLA. The journal was open access. Publication has stop now and no reason has come from the PLA headquarter about the publication.The Library Quarterly (LQ) embraces a wide array of original research perspectives, approaches, and quantitative, qualitative, evaluative, analytic, and mixed methodology to assess the role of libraries in communities and in society. Through unique and innovative content that positions libraries at the nexus of information, community, and policy, LQ publishes cutting-edge articles, essays, editorials, and reviews that inform, enable, equalize, lead, and empower our field to adapt to changes. Across these areas, all content in the journal ties to contemporary issues impacting libraries and librarianship.
The Journal of Indian Library Association (JILA) is an official organ of Indian Library Association (ILA). This journal covers all different aspects of Library & Information Science. JILA as an official organ of ILA started since 1965. The journal is issued as a quarterly publication. JILA is a peer reviewed journal that publishes the high quality research articles on the subject. JILA has been Included in the UGC -CARE approved Journal
Scientometrics is an international, peer-reviewed, monthly journal that publishes original research on all quantitative aspects of the production, communication, and use of scientific and technological information.
Scientometrics welcomes both theoretical and empirical studies.
Research articles present new methods and insights.
Scientometrics publishes invited reviews and book reviews.
Valuable for research workers, research administrators, librarians, and documentalists in central scientific agencies, ministries, research institutes, and laboratories.
Highly visible and cited across various areas of science and research.
- Impact Factor: 1.50
- Publisher: Association of College and Research Libraries
College & Research Libraries (C&RL) is the
official, bi-monthly, online-only scholarly research journal of
the Association of College & Research Libraries, a division of the American
Library Association. College & Research Libraries (C&RL) is the official scholarly research journal of the Association of College & Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 225 North Michigan Ave., Suite 1300, Chicago, IL 60601. C&RL is a bimonthly, online-only publication.
Inclusion of an article or advertisement in C&RL does not constitute official endorsement by ACRL or ALA.
Founded in 1988 and headquartered in Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, IGI Global is a rapidly growing, mid-sized, independent international academic publisher dedicated to releasing high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarly research publications in the three major academic subject areas of Business & Management; Scientific, Technical, & Medical (STM); and Education & Social Sciences.
PJIM&L, ISSN Online 2409-7462, is published by the Institute of Information Management, University of the Punjab, Lahore as an open access, peer reviewed and Higher Education Commission, Pakistan recognized journal.
[Note: The Journal was formerly known as Pakistan Journal of Library and Information Science; ISSN Print 1680-4465; Online 2309-9569].
The PJIM&L is a double-blind refereed scholarly journal.
It is committed to publish original research articles, scholarly critiques, and
conceptual contributions to the areas of Information Management, Information
Science and Librarianship.
Ideas and views expressed in papers published in the
PJIM&L is the sole responsibility of authors. It does not necessarily
reflect opinion/policy of the Institute or Editorial Board.
PLISJ is HEC approved journal and Published since 1966. Articles published in this journal are countable for the appointment, promotion and selection in the recruitment of the Public and Private sector universities of Pakistan. This Journal is also indexed in EBSCO host and Googlescholar. Journal is only published in printed format. It has published quarterly 4th issue in a Year. PLISJ accepted article in both Urdu and English Language.
ISSN: 2520-6222 (print) ISSN: 2522-3143 (Online)
The Department of Library and Information Sciences (LIS), Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU), Islamabad, Pakistan, has launched a research journal titled “International Journal of Librarianship and Information Science (IJoLIS).” This is a double, blind peer-reviewed journal accepting research papers internationally.
Mode and Frequency:
The IJoLIS is published on annual basis (once a year) in both print and online formats. The AIOU bears all the cost from review to publishing. Once the journal gets awareness and popularity it may be published more frequently (bi-annually or quarterly).

Cite Score :53.1 Impect Factor 20.1
The Journal for Information ProfessionalsThe International
Journal of Information Management (IJIM) is an international,
peer-reviewed journal which aims to bring its readers the very best analysis
and discussion in the developing field of information management.
PLISJ is HEC approved journal and Published since 1966. Articles published in this journal are countable for the appointment, promotion and selection in the recruitment of the Public and Private sector universities of Pakistan. This Journal is also indexed in EBSCO host and Googlescholar. Journal is only published in printed format. It has published quarterly 4th issue in a Year. PLISJ accepted article in both Urdu and English Language.
Sada-e-Librarian is a professional network and non-profit organization dedicated to library and information science (LIS) in Pakistan. It serves as a platform for LIS professionals to collaborate, share resources, and engage in professional development through online forums, newsletters, and educational resources. The group also compiles directories of library professionals across the country, providing a community-driven space for knowledge-sharing and networking. You can connect with them and explore more about their initiatives through their social media groups and online channels.
For more information, check their Facebook group or official resources.